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Computational Linguistics Group
Department of Computer Science
University of Haifa
- Yael Cohen-Sygal and Shuly Wintner.
Finite-State Registered Automata for
Non-Concatenative Morphology.
Computational Linguistics, Accepted for publication, 2005.
- Noam Ordan and Shuly Wintner.
Representing natural gender in multilingual lexical databases.
International Journal of Lexicography 18(3), September 2005.
Accepted for publication.
- Alon Lavie, Erik Peterson, Katharina Probst, Shuly Wintner and
Yaniv Eytani.
Rapid Prototyping of a Transfer-based Hebrew-to-English Machine
Translation System.
Proceedings of The 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological
Issues in Machine Translation, Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
- Efrat Jaeger, Nissim Francez and Shuly Wintner.
Unification Grammars and Off-Line Parsability.
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2004. Accepted for publication.
- Judith Dror, Dudu Shaharabani, Rafi Talmon and Shuly Wintner.
Morphological Analysis of the Qur'an.
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 19(4):431-452, 2004.
- Ezra Daya, Dan Roth and Shuly Wintner.
Learning Hebrew Roots: Machine Learning with Linguistic Constraints.
Proceedings of EMNLP'04, Barcelona, July 2004.
- Yael Cohen-Sygal. Computational Implementation of Non-Concatenative Morphology.
MSc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Haifa. June 2004.
- Erhard W. Hinrichs, W. Detmar Meurers and Shuly Wintner.
Linguistic theory and grammar implementation.
Research on Language and Computation 2:155-163, 2004.
- Shuly Wintner.
Hebrew computational linguistics: Past and future.
Artificial Intelligence Review, 21(2):113-138, 2004.
- Shuly Wintner and Shlomo Yona, Resources for Processing
Hebrew, in Proceedings of the MT Summit IX Workshop on Machine
Translation for Semitic Languages, New Orleans, September 2003.
- Shuly Wintner.
On the semantics of unification grammars.
Grammars 6(3):145-153, 2003.
Rafi Talmon and Shuly Wintner, Morphological Tagging of the Qur'an.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Finite-State Methods
in Natural Language Processing, an EACL'03 Workshop,
Budapest, Hungary, April 2003.
- Yael Cohen-Sygal, Dale Gerdemann and Shuly Wintner.
Computational Implementation of Non-Concatenative Morphology.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Finite-State Methods
in Natural Language Processing, an EACL'03 Workshop,
Budapest, Hungary, April 2003. PDF.
- Efrat Jaeger. Unification Grammars and Off-line Parsability.
MSc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, The Technion. December 2002.
- Efrat Jaeger, Nissim Francez and Shuly Wintner.
Guaranteeing parsing termination of unification grammars.
In Proceedings of COLING-2002, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2002.
- Shuly Wintner.
Modular Context-Free Grammars.
Grammars, 5(1):41-63, 2002.
- Shuly Wintner and Anoop Sarkar.
A note on typing feature structures.
Computational Linguistics, 28(3):389-397, 2002.
Shuly Wintner.
Hebrew computational linguistics: Past and future.
In Shlomo Izre'el, editor, Speaking Hebrew: Studies in Spoken
Language and in Linguistic Variation in Israel, volume XVIII of
Te'uda, the Yearbook of the Rosenberg School of
Jewish Studies at Tel-Aviv University, 2002. In Hebrew.
- Shuly Wintner.
Formal language theory for natural language processing.
In Effective tools and methodologies for teaching natural language processing and computational linguistics,
an ACL'02 Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, July 2002.
- Rafi Talmon and Shuly Wintner.
Computational processing of spoken North Israeli Arabic.
In ARABIC Language Processing: Status and Prospects,
ACL/EACL 2001 Workshop, Toulouse, France, July 2001.
Computational Linguistics Group, Department of Computer Science,
University of Haifa,
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Last modified: Sun Dec 5 12:16:57 IST 2004