Hebrew to English Machine Translation

Project description

To develop a preliminary Hebrew-to-English machine translation system in a transfer-based frameowrk.
In Haifa, Gennadi Lembersky, Amit Kirschenbaum, Reshef Shilon, Yulia Tsvetkov, and Shuly Wintner. This project is joint with a team at the Language Technologies Institute , Carnegie Mellon University, headed by Alon Lavie.
The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science; ISF (grant 137/06)


We will develop a preliminary Hebrew-to-English Machine Translation (MT) system under a transfer-based framework specifically designed for rapid MT prototyping for languages with limited linguistic resources. The task is particularly challenging due to two main reasons: the high lexical and morphological ambiguity of Hebrew and the dearth of available resources for the language. We will use existing, publicly available resources and adapt them in novel ways to support the MT task. The methodology behind the system will be based on two separate modules: a transfer engine which produces a lattice of possible translation segments, and a decoder which searches and selects the most likely translation according to an English language model. We will develop a set of manually crafted transfer rules to improve the translations. Performance will be evaluated using state of the art measures.




Mailing address Shuly Wintner
Department of Computer Science
University of Haifa
31905 Haifa, Israel.
Phone +972-4-8288180
Fax +972-4-8249331
E-mail shuly@cs.haifa.ac.il