Computational Implementation of Non-Concatenative Morphology
Project description
To design a novel finite-state computational model which will
facilitate the expression of non-concatenative processes such
as word formation in Semitic.
The goal of our work is to create a new computational model within the
framework of finite state technology that will account for
non-concatenative word formation processes in Semitic languages. It
will extend and augment existing finite-state techniques, which are
presently not sufficiently suitable for describing this kind of
phenomena. Our purpose is to create such a new model, prove it is
indeed finite-state, show how it maintains the closure properties of
regular relations and use it to describe the non-concatenative
phenomena of Semitic languages.
Yael Cohen-Sygal and Shuly Wintner.
Finite-State Registered Automata for
Non-Concatenative Morphology.
Computational Linguistics 32(1):49-82, March 2006.
Yael Cohen-Sygal and Shuly Wintner. Finite State Registered Automata and their uses in Natural languages.
In Proceedings of FSMNLP 2005, Finite-State Methods and
Natural Language Processing. Helsinki, Finland, September 2005.
Yael Cohen-Sygal. Computational Implementation of Non-Concatenative Morphology.
MSc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Haifa. June 2004.
Yael Cohen-Sygal, Dale Gerdemann and Shuly Wintner.
Computational Implementation of Non-Concatenative Morphology.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Finite-State Methods
in Natural Language Processing, an EACL'03 Workshop,
Budapest, Hungary, April 2003. PDF.