The purpose of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Special Interest Group on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages (the SIG) shall be to promote interest in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing approaches to Semitic Languages; to provide means of exchanging news of recent research developments, commercial applications and other matters of interest in computational approaches to the study of Semitic Languages; and to supervise the organization of meetings and workshops in Computational Processing of Semitic Languages, guaranteeing at least one biennial meeting. The SIG will represent the diversity of the Semitic language community but will emphasize the common problems that Semitic languages pose and common approaches to solving them. The SIG will operate within the framework of the ACL's general guidelines for SIGs.
Membership in the SIG will be open to anyone with an interest in computational approaches to Semitic languages. Membership will be terminated upon request, or automatically if no reply is received within two months of posting a membership list update message.
The official language of the SIG will be English.
The elected officers of the SIG shall consist of a Chair, a Secretary and three Information Officers. The Chair and Secretary shall be members in good standing of the ACL. The Chair and the Secretary will represent two different language communities. The Information Officers will exemplify the diversity of the SIG by representing a variety of language communities.
The duties of the Chair shall be:
The duties of the Secretary shall be:
The duties of the Information Officers shall be:
All officers of the SIG shall be elected by a vote of the Membership. The vote shall take place electronically (either by e-mail or via a dedicated web service) at least two months before the expiration of the terms of the officers to be elected, with at least 4 weeks' notice of nominations to SIG members.
Candidates will present their nomination following a Call issued by the Chair at least two months before the election. They must be members in good standing of the SIG.
The Chair and Secretary will be elected every two years. The candidate with the maximum number of votes will be elected Chair, the next runner-up will be elected Secretary. One year later, elections will be held for the three Information Officer positions. The term of office for each position will be two years.
Votes arriving by the notified closing date will be counted by an Officer appointed by the Chair and agreed to by all candidates. Results of the election shall be notified to the members within four weeks after the close of voting.