ISCOL 2014, the Israeli Seminar on Computational Linguistics, will be held on Sunday, September 7th, 2014, at the University of Haifa, Hecht Auditorium (ground floor of Eshkol Tower). See campus map.
Recent ISCOL meetings took place in 2013 at Ben Gurion University, 2011 at Bar Ilan University and 2010 at Tel Aviv University.
09:30-10:00 | Welcome and registration |
10:00-11:40 | Session on Text Classification and Machine Translation |
Shuly Wintner, The Features of Translationese | |
Gennadi Lembersky, The Effect of Translationese on Statistical Machine Translation | |
Roee Aharoni, Moshe Koppel and Yoav Goldberg, Automatic Detection of Machine Translated Text and Translation Quality Estimation | |
Elior Sulem, Omri Abend and Ari Rappoport, Addressing Cross-Linguistic Divergences for Machine Translation Using Cognitive Annotation: A French-English Case Study | |
11:40-12:00 | Coffee Break |
12:00-13:15 | 3 presentations |
Tal Baumel, Raphel Cohen, Jumana Nasour and Michael Elhadad, Query-focused Summarization: Summarization is Easy, Retrieval is Hard | |
Kfir Bar, Nachum Dershowitz and Yaacov Choueka, Automatic Transliteration of Judeo-Arabic Texts into Arabic Script | |
David Carmel, Avihai Mejer, Yuval Pinter and Idan Szpektor, Improving Term Weighting for Community Question Answering Search Using Syntactic Analysis | |
13:15-14:15 | Lunch Break |
14:15-15:15 | Poster Session |
Tzeviya S. Fuchs and Dror Mughaz, Sentence Classification on Hebrew Texts According to Polarity | |
Livnat Herzig Sheinfux, Petter Haugereid, Nurit Melnik and Shuly Wintner, A Deep Computational Grammar of Hebrew | |
Kayla Jacobs, Alon Itai and Shuly Wintner, Hebrew Acronyms: Identification, Expansion, and Disambiguation | |
Lili Kotlerman, Ido Dagan and Oren Kurland, Clustering Moderate-size Collections of Short Texts | |
Lili Kotlerman, Ido Dagan, Bernardo Magnini and Luisa Bentivogli, Textual Entailment Graphs | |
Jey Han Lau, Alexander Clark and Shalom Lappin, Modelling Speakers' Grammaticality Judgements | |
Omer Levy, Ido Dagan and Jacob Goldberger, Focused Entailment Graphs for Open IE Propositions | |
Ran Levy, Yonatan Bilu, Daniel Hershcovich, Ehud Aharoni and Noam Slonim, Context Dependent Claim Detection | |
Chaya Liebeskind, Ido Dagan and Jonathan Schler, Semi-automatic Construction of Cross-period Thesaurus | |
Amnon Lotan, Asher Stern, Ido Dagan and Jonathan Berant, A Syntax-based Rule-base for Textual Entailment | |
Oren Melamud, Ido Dagan, Jacob Goldberger, Idan Szpektor and Deniz Yuret, Probabilistic Modeling of Joint-context in Distributional Similarity | |
Amir More and Reut Tsarfaty, A Transition-based Framework for Morphological, Syntactic and Joint Morphosyntactic Parsing for Morphologically Rich Languages | |
Dror Mughaz, Yaakov Hacohen-Kerner and Dov Gabbay, Identifying Birth and Death Years of Authors of Undated Documents using Citations and various Constraints | |
Roy Schwartz, Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport, Minimally Supervised Classification to Semantic Categories using Automatically Acquired Symmetric Patterns | |
Itay Shoor, Tsvi Kuflik, Einat Minkov, Susan M. Grant-Muller, Ayelet Gal-Tzur and Silvio Nocera, Extracting Social Media data for the use of transportation stakeholders | |
Gabriel Stanovsky, Jessica Ficler, Ido Dagan and Yoav Goldberg, Intermediary Semantic Representation through Proposition Structures | |
Reut Tsarfaty, Eli Pogrebezky and David Harel, Semantic Parsing Using Content and Context: A Case Study from Requirements Elicitation | |
Evgenia Wasserman Pritsker, Einat Minkov and William W. Cohen, Learning Context Selection Models for Knowledge-based WSD | |
Hila Weisman, Peter Izsak and Victor Shafran, Empirical Studies in Multi-Channel Clustering | |
15:15-16:00 | Invited Talk, Eli Shamir (Hebrew University), Transformation Schemes for Context-Free Grammars: Structural, Algorithmic and Linguistic applications |
16:00-16:50 | 2 presentations |
Tomer Cagan, Stefan Frank and Reut Tsarfaty, Generating Subjective Responses to Opinionated Articles in Social Media: An Agenda-Driven Architecture and a Turing-Like Test | |
Asher Stern and Ido Dagan, Recognizing Implied Predicate-Argument Relationships in Textual Inference | |
16:50-17:10 | Coffee Break |
17:10-17:35 | 1 presentation |
Omer Levy and Yoav Goldberg, Linguistic Regularities in Sparse and Explicit Word Representations | |
17:35-18:20 | Invited Talk, Noam Slonim (IBM), IBM Debating Technologies |
Participation in the Seminar is free and open for all. However, in order for us to plan ahead, please fill in the registration form.
We invite presentations on recent work in all areas of computational linguistics, natural language processing and all closely related fields. We accept work underway, provided that it represents recent and original work of interest to our audience. Presentations of work pertaining to Hebrew or Arabic are especially encouraged.
This year, in addition to the lectures and poster sessions, there will be a special session on Improving Statistical Machine Translation through Text Classification, sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.
Please submit extended abstracts (1-2 pages) using the EasyChair system.
The Seminar is supported by The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science and by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.