General information

Language acquisition is one of Nature's most fascinating puzzles. Human languages are extremely complex systems, yet (most) children acquire them naturally, quickly and with little effort. Research in language acquisition attempts to study the mechanisms of this puzzle and to shed light on the very nature of language itself: the primary cognitive capacity which makes us human.

The Haifa Workshop on Formal Approaches to Language Acquisition brings together researchers in a variety of disciplines, including linguistics, psychology, education, communication and computer science, to discuss recent advances in our understanding of first and second language acquisition. The Workshop provides a venue for reporting on recent, current and planned research; exchanging information, resources and results; interaction among graduate students and more senior scholars; and development of new collaboration efforts. The Workshop welcomes presentation of interdisciplinary work, with a focus on formal approaches, and is not committed to any particular theory or paradigm.

The format of the Workshop is deliberately informal. The Workshop provides an opportunity to present the current state-of-the-art, as well as future needs and directions. Complete works as well as work in progress are equally welcome for presentation.


The Workshop is funded by The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science.